Just Another Reason to Hate Texas

Texas decided they wanted to tell people where they can pee, because that is working out so well for North Carolina. 

The transphobic "Texas Privacy Act", summoned by Gov. Dan Patrick, otherwise known as Senate Bill 6 was filed early January by Sen. Lois Kolkhorst R-Brenham. 

If passed, Senate Bill 6 will overturn local nondiscrimination ordinances in cities like Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio. Patrick said Thursday that the Texas Privacy Act “stops local cities from passing policy that allows men in ladies' rooms.”

Because a transitioning male-to-female belongs in the men's room, right? 
Because a transitioning female-to-male belongs in the ladies' room, right? 

Why are we policing bathrooms? It's as if we literally do not have anything better to do than worry about where people pee. That is what bathrooms are for. Though Republicans think transgender people are plotting to use their gendered restroom of choice to sacrifice a straight white man to Satan or something. 

It could most definitely cost Texas in the long run. Turns out, businesses are a little turned off by the state concerning themselves with where people pee.

“The message from the Texas business community is loud and clear,” Chris Wallace, president of the Texas Association of Business, said at a news conference at the Texas Capitol during which he was joined by representatives for ad agency GSD&M, IT company TechNet and SXSW. “Protecting Texas from billions of dollars in losses is simple: Don’t pass unnecessary laws that discriminate against Texans and our visitors.”

Who would have thought that passing a discriminatory bill directly taking aim at the transgender community wouldn't go so well? 

*insert eye roll here* 


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