Ghost In The Shell: Ignoring the Problem of Whitewashing

Ghost in the Shell began as an animated Japanese sic-film in the 90's. Dreamworks' has decided to make a live-action remake due to release in March of 2017. One problem, the lead role is clearly supposed to be Japanese.... and they casted Scarlet Johansson as the lead (spoiler alert, she's white). Major Motoko Kusanagi is a secret agent that is supposed to take down a mysterious hacker. Below is  an image of the comparison between the animated version of the character and Scarlett.

See the problem? Director Rupert Sanders doesn't.

He responded to criticism of his casting of Scarlett by saying "I think whenever you cast someone, someone's going to be critical of it. To me, I stand by my decision. She's the best actress of her generation, and I was flattered and honored that she would be in this film. So many people that were around the original anime have been vehemently in support of her because she's incredible, and there are very few people like her."

So, he basically ignored criticism of whitewashing all-together. 

A Japanese actress should have been selected for this role. Hollywood, get your shit together. 


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