The Gloves Are Off: The New York Times Comes Out Swinging

For the first time since 2010, The New York Times ran a television commercial during tonight's broadcast of the Oscars. 

The New York Times is a popular subject of Trump's Twitter feed. Constantly being criticized for 'failing' and reporting 'fake news.' 

The video ended with bold, black letters on the screen that read "The truth is more important now than ever."

This takes me back to Media Law with professor Hanebutt. His ramblings about Denny's coffee during law school and countless stories about previous students have gotten lost since then, but five words will always stick with me from his class. "Seek truth and report it."

We cannot be driven to a society where the only news we receive comes from President Trump's Twitter feed. We, as a nation, demand truth. We need publications - such as The New York Times - to report that truth.

I applaud this ad. I applaud the messaging. I applaud The Times.


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