Oh, the irony.

Today, a boy who was sagging his pants around his knees had the nerve to come up to me and say "I can see your bra-strap through the back of your shirt." I had to keep myself from doing a few things. Laughing, firstly. Because of my super sarcastic answer. I replied with "Really? OMG. I thought my boobs were just magically supposed to hold themselves up. Yes, I have a bra on. Yes, I know you can see it. No, I don't care." Secondly, I had to refrain from telling him that I could see his underwear.

I think that is what bothered me most. Not that a stranger felt the need to come up to me and tell me he can see my bra-strap through my shirt. But that his pants were almost literally around his knees. He had a belt on to keep his pants from literally falling around his ankles. He had to waddle around because no normal person could walk around properly with their pants around their knees.

Don't tell me you can see my underwear if I can plainly see yours. It's annoying.

Also, I have to wear a bra. He doesn't have to walk around with his pants around his knees.

This is just a rant. It shouldn't even count as a blog post, but I'm posting it anyway.

The irony was amusing.


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