I Knew Zootopia was Destined for an Oscar

"We are so grateful to the audiences all over the world that embraced this film with this story of tolerance being more powerful than fear of the other,”said Zootopia co-director Rich Moore while accepting award for Best Animated Feature Film.

Zootopia racked up over $1 billion in global ticket sales when it released back in 2016. For an animated movie, that is absolutely insane. But I can see why it made so much. Zootopia opens the door for parents to talk to their kids about tolerance and inclusion. It allows them to start the conversation about acceptance and equality. It encourages them to planet the seed of not judging others based on their differences - but embracing them for their differences - now rather than later. 

That little bunny became a role model for many kids and adults who need to be reminded they can do anything they set their mind to. While that sly fox became a role model for many kids and adults who need to be reminded that they are not who other people make them out to be based on their appearance. 

I'm so happy this film was recognized for its messaging and quality. 


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