Making the Switch: Getting Rid of All my Leather Bags

Like any of well-off, privileged, 20-something year old girl, before last week I owned 4 leather handbags. I've made the decision to get rid of my leather goods. Which includes all my handbags, wallets, boots, and anything else that could fall under the 'I feel like an asshole when I wear it' category. I'm an advocate for animal rights. I harp on people all the time for cruel practices that are still used today, but are often disregarded due to being unseen. The worst of the worst usually happens outside the U.S., in places like China or India - where there are virtually no laws regarding the treatment of animals, or the laws are rarely enforced. Cows, sheep, and even domesticated animals like dogs and cats are killed for skin.

They need their skin more than I need a leather handbag.  

I am dedicated to using companies that are clear on their stance against animal cruelty. Not all designers use leather, there are several that have made the move to using faux fur. Calvin Klein was an early adopter of animal-friendly designs. He announced in 1994 that he would no longer use fur, due to his "own reflections on the humane treatment of animals" and "the fact that the fur segment of our business simply did not fit with our corporate philosophy any longer." In addition, Stella McCartney, Vivienne Westwood, Tommy Hilfiger, and Marc Bouwer also feature animal-friendly designs in their collections. 

The Ethical Elephant provides offers shopping guides for consumers dedicated to purchasing animal friendly products. With categories like handbags, drugstore and high-end cosmetics, brushes - they even have a section on toothpaste - they can help consumers make ethical purchases. The Ethical Elephant provides "Always 100% Cruelty-Free & Vegan" options for consumers.

There are plenty of hardcore advocates that will show you the grizzly PETA videos about the leather industry. I don't really enjoy using the shock-value tactic to make my point. I'd rather evoke the feelings of empathy and compassion in urging people to ditch their leather and fur goods for animal-friendly alternatives.

Animals can feel, just like we can. They're living creatures. They shouldn't have to be tortured for their skin so we can show off our newest overpriced handbag or coat.

Blog are several links to help you make animal-friendly purchases:


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