
"Even in 2017, the simple act of holding hands is still difficult for some people - let's change that and #HoldTight anz.com/holdtight"

This beautiful campaign illustrates the difference between acceptance in America and other countries. This campaign is spreading across both Australia and New Zealand after a study was conducted to gather information on how people viewed the simple act of holding hands. 

"Among the findings was that the vast majority of people agree that everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, should feel comfortable showing affection in public by holding hands. However, the research found this was not always the case in reality." 

Many felt as though the public display of affection was still taboo based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. 

"We’re aiming to highlight what is a gesture that is difficult for many in the LGBTQIA community and turn it into a celebration of love and by asking people to ‘hold tight,’ when they feel like letting go."

#Holdtight is a message of support for the community and their ongoing campaign for equality. It is recognition that equality has come a long way, but that it still has a way to go, and is a message to the community to stay strong. 

Find more information about #HoldTight here.


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