Cult Classic or Boring Display of Six White People?

I feel like someone is inevitably going to read this and immediately become offended at the notion that the television series Friends was anything less than the greatest thing to bless our TV screens. Hate to burst this fandom's bubble.... but Friends was boring. Not even even just boring. It was one-note, incredibly bland, lacking in all diversity while at the same time being overly cliche' and overdone.

Whew, there, I said it.

Let's see, there was Phoebe, Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Monica, and Joey. All middle class, suburban white New Yorkers living in the 90's. The show was on for ten years before it ended in 2004.

If I am going to be completely honest, I haven't seen the whole series. I didn't necessarily deem it necessary. I got through a couple of seasons before I decided this series wasn't for me.

I just get so tired of seeing skinny white women on my computer screen. I don't want to see Rachel and Monica. I want to see something different. I want to see more color. I want to see different body types. I want to see different orientations. I want to see different struggles. I don't want to see the overly cliche' struggle of basic white girls in the 90's. Let me tell you, they don't have that rough in comparison.

This seems more like a rant than an actual blog post. I guess it's a mixture of both. Sue me.


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