It's On Us: Take the Pledge

It's On Us released a new video for their campaign in hopes to combat the culture of sexual assault.

It's On Us has four main objectives:  

To RECOGNIZE that non-consensual sex is sexual assault. 
To IDENTIFY situations in which sexual assault may occur. 
To INTERVENE in situations where consent has not or cannot be given. 
To CREATE an environment in which sexual assault is unacceptable and survivors are supported.

This pledge is a personal commitment to help keep women and men safe from sexual assault. It is a promise not to be a bystander to the problem, but to be a part of the solution. It's On Us offer tools and tips to help reach their four goals. 

Take the pledge here.
Donate to the campaign here.

The It's On Us campaign is dedicated to educating the masses on the revolving culture of sexual assault. They are committed to changing the culture and stopping sexual assault. They encourage people to intervene when they recognize their behavior and support survivors through their healing process. 


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