I'm Getting Really Tired of People Telling me I'm too Pretty for my Boyfriend

This is going to be more of a rant type post. If that doesn't interest you, you're free to leave now.

Twice in the past week, people have had the nerve to tell me I am "too pretty" for my boyfriend. Let me just take a moment to point out everything wrong with telling me that.

Between the "you're just so pretty" and the "I just think you're settling" I don't know which pisses me off more.

First off, he is not a wrong order at lunch. He is not a hamburger I ordered without onions that was served to me with onions that I'll settle for because I don't want to make a scene. He is not a "is Pepsi okay?" He's a human. And currently, he is my human. And he could look like the hunchback of Notre Dame or Adam Levine himself, doesn't matter, he is one of the most beautiful humans.

It doesn't matter what you think. Quite frankly, I don't think it's appropriate to go around pointing out that you think my relationship is disproportionate in regards to appearance.

What is he supposed to think about that? Is he supposed to think he's not good enough for me because a few select humans are assholes? How is that fair?

Point being, well, a few points. Your opinion does not matter. Your opinion might as well be one of those soliciting flyers people put under windshield wipers in the parking lot. Also, we don't settle for humans. We settle for the wrong kind of chips. We settle for the middle seat on the airplane. We don't settle for humans.

If a human makes you happy, it doesn't matter what other people think. More importantly, you shouldn't have anything else to say about someone else's human. You keep that shit to yourself and gossip about it to your best friend while you guys are sitting at brunch eating overpriced quiche' and mimosas.

Maybe this is just me being protective. Maybe this is just me being in a bad mood on a Tuesday morning. Maybe I don't give a shit. Don't comment on my appearance vs my boyfriend's. Just don't do it.


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