I Just Need a Minute to Talk About Spike Jonze's, Her

I am mesmerized by this movie every time I watch it. Absolutely enamored with it. It's beautifully crafted with a blend of a beautiful soundtrack, fluid dialogue and alluring cinematography. But what really gets me every, single time, are the thought-provoking excerpts from the script. 

Here are a few of my favorites: 

"Sometimes I think I have felt everything I'm ever gonna feel. And from here on out, I'm not gonna feel anything new. Just lesser versions of what I've already felt." - Theodore says this midway throughout the movie as he is reflecting on his divorce and going forward in life. 

"The past is just a story we tell ourselves." - Samantha says this to Theodore at the end of the movie, right before they part (spoiler alert). She is reflecting on their relationship and how they have grown individually and separately. 

"Dear Catherine, I've been sitting here thinking about all the things I wanted to apologize to you for. All the pain we caused each other. Everything I put on you. Everything I needed you to be or needed you to say. I'm sorry for that. I'll always love you 'cause we grew up together and you helped make me who I am. I just wanted you to know there will be a piece of you in me always, and I'm grateful for that. Whatever someone you become, and wherever you are in the world, I'm sending you love. You're my friend to the end. Love, Theodore." - These are the final words of the movie. This is Theodore's letter to his ex-wife after they finalized their divorce. 

"I think anybody who falls in love is a freak. It's a crazy thing to do. It's kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity." - Amy says this to Theodore when he starts to doubt his relationship with Samantha. 

"It's like I'm reading a book... and it's a book I deeply love. But I'm reading it slowly now. So the words are really far apart and the spaces between the words are almost infinite. I can still feel you... and the words of our story... but it's in this endless space between the words that I'm finding myself now. It's a place that's not of the physical world. It's where everything else is that I didn't even know existed. I love you so much. But this is where I am now. And this is who I am now. And I need you to let me go. As much as I want to, I can't live in your book any more." - These are Samantha's final words to Theodore before she departs (another spoiler alert). 

"The heart is not like a box that gets filled up; it expands in size the more you love. I'm different from you. This doesn't make me love you any less. It actually makes me love you more." - These are Samantha's encouraging words to Theodore towards the end of the movie.

"We are only here briefly, and in this moment I want to allow myself joy." - Amy's self-encouraging words after she separates from her husband. 

"You know, I can feel the fear that you carry around and I wish there was... something I could do to help you let go of it because if you could, I don't think you'd feel so alone anymore." - Samantha to Theodore. 

Okay, I'll stop now before I quote the whole movie. 

It's just one of those movies that make you think, feel, and connect. This plot of this movie is difficult for some to grasp, but if you just let yourself watch the movie without trying to question the relationship between Samantha and Theodore. 

The music associated with this movie is so incredibly fitting and moving. The score perfectly coincides with the vision. There is a particular scene that comes to mind. Theodore and Samantha take a train ride and Samantha plays a piano piece of Theodore. I don't know if I have ever felt more connected to a movie through a single piece of music. I attached the audio above. Just listen to it. It'll take you somewhere. 

Scarlett Johannson, Joaquin Phoenix, Rooney Mara and Amy Adams starred in the film, though you never actually see Scarlett, as she plays Samantha. Joaquin plays Theodore and Amy plays Theo's college best friend Amy, and Rooney plays the role of Theo's ex-wife, Catherine. The chemistry between the cast was really fluid. There was no forced affection or bad lapses in dialogue.

I highly recommend this movie. I'm not a film critic, nor do I have any credentials to persuade you to listen to my opinion on movies of any sort. But this is such a good movie. It's thought-provoking, abstract and a little weird - which makes it great.


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