Pepsi Ad Bombs, Here's Why

I've seen so many comments from people not understanding why the newest Pepsi ad campaign is absolute garbage.

Let me help explain, from a communications major point of view. 

Their choice of a rich, white woman to play the peacemaker between the resistance and police is laughable considering the current struggle is not that of a rich, white woman. 

The Kardashian/Jenner's have been fairly silent concerning most political affairs, which is another reason why the selection of Kendall rubbed people the wrong way. If they were going to pick a celebrity to play the part of peacemaker, they could have at least picked a celebrity involved in some sort of activism, like Amber Rose, Kerry Washington, or BeyoncĂ©. 

The lack of representation within the commercial is also laughable. For the limited amount of time minorities were shown on screen, their stereotypical depiction did not do Pepsi any favors in redeeming this ad.

If a brand is going to make a political statement of unity and togetherness, they have to do better than this. All this did was unite the majority in the opinion that this ad bombed, majorly.

Pepsi failed horrendously and they have already pulled the ad and apologized. Hope this helped anyone who was scratching their heads trying to figure out why people are so pissed off at a soda commercial.

I'm glad I drink Coke. 


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