Ignorance Runs Rampant: Two Adults Can't Eat Together Without Having Sex, Apparently

So, Twitter has blown up in response to this tweet. Matt Walsh is a shock value fiend on Twitter. I've seen some of his posts floating around here and there. Well, let me correct that, I've seen responses to his idiotic posts floating around here and there. 

In this tweet, he is insinuating that it is never appropriate for married persons of the opposite sex to eat together. This just left me scratching my head. It also left me a little (a lot) annoyed. It also makes me seriously question the depth of his relationships and how he treats the women that sadly succumb to being anywhere near this idiot in his daily life. 

Two grown adults should be able to eat together. A wife should be able to go out to lunch with a male coworker, and a husband should be able to go have dinner with an old classmate to catch up. 

Newsflash, a meal together does not automatically mean the two involved to flail themselves at each other to engage in a night of wild, passionate relations. 

I wonder how insecure he has been in his previous and current relationships that he feels this way. Every partner he's ever had must have cheated on his while enjoying a meal with the opposite sex. Or maybe the same sex. The stupidity of this guy would drive me to lesbianism too. 

Healthy relationships means that both partners can interact and form relationships with the opposite sex without it causing issues within the relationship. It is unhealthy to not have any contact with the opposite sex other than your partner. It means you will develop a skewed view, which will make interacting with the opposite sex difficult to adjust to in everyday life (work, school, etc). A kind of skewed dysmorphia will develop. 

So, if you end up with a partner with a similar outlook of this moron: run, don't walk, run. Far away. 


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