Super Bowl Commercial Prediction

The best for about the Super Bowl is the commercials - by far. Some are inspiring and creative while others are head-scratchingly bad for how expensive a Super Bowl commercial slot is. I have my eye on one commercial in particular: Budweiser. 

I originally saw this commercial titled "Born The Hard Way" on their Twitter page, then it linked me to their Youtube. The commercial can be found here: 

They describe this commercial as "This is the story of our founder’s ambitious journey to America in pursuit of his dream: to brew the King of Beers." It depicts the founder of Budweiser's struggle of immigrating to America. The commercial depicts people yelling at him as he exits the boat with words like "get out of here" and "go back home." In the expanded version of the commercial, someone even spits on him. 

This is a bold message in support of immigration by Budweiser - and I could not be more impressed with the company and their creative depiction of the hardships immigrants face. Also, their illustration of what can come out of immigration; considering that Budweiser is one of the most successfully selling beer brands in America. 

This will be a tough act to follow come Super Bowl night. I will continue with another post ranking my top five favorite commercials from the evening. So far, Budweiser is holding strong at number one. 


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