Coping with the beginnings of Fascism in the U.S.

I'm almost at a loss for words. Twitter seems like a war zone. Facebook is a giant protest rally. It seems like Snapchat and Instagram are safe from the post-political cluster that is plaguing the United States right now. Trump was elected President and within 7 days of his inauguration, he attacked several minority groups with different executive orders.

The one that is most disheartening: The Muslim Ban.

The Muslim Ban was implemented by Trump on Holocaust Remembrance Day, which could be taken two ways. One, it could be looked at as a premonition, a nod to the evil we'll face over the next four years. Two, it could be looked at as a message purposely implemented by Trump to inspire fear.

Let's start with the latter. The Holocaust Memorial Museum took to Twitter and posted a warning of their own after the backlash of the Muslim Ban began.

The list is titled Early Warning Signs of Fascism.

The most notable of the few things listed are the mention of disdain for human rights, obsession with national security, religion and government intertwined, and identification of enemies as a unifying cause. Trump has banned immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa. Trump has also imposed a controversial 90-day ban on travellers from IranIraqLibyaSomaliaSudanSyria and Yemen.

This is basically saying "If you are Muslim, you are less important than a Christian.
This is basically saying "If you are Muslim, you are a threat to our National Security.
This is basically saying "If you are Muslim, you are not welcome by our government.
This is basically saying "If you are Muslim, you are an enemy.

My heart is broken that families are being torn apart so Trump can spread his message of hate and fear. This ban is unconstitutional and it goes against everything America was built on. We have the luxury of freedom of religion and expression. This freedom does not mean it is only okay to be a Christian. This freedom means you can be Muslim, Catholic, Jewish - you can believe cats rule the world and you can pray to broccoli if you so desire, because we have the freedom to do so. This ban takes the freedom away. 

This ban does not represent the America I want to live in. This ban does not reflect American values. This ban goes against everything America was founded on. This ban does not reflect me. 


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