Why Are We So Concerned with Where People Want to Pee?

Aside from all the other ridiculousness coming out of the Trump administration, we learned last night that it has decided to rescind the Obama's rule on transgender students' bathroom access and use. 

Long story short; Obama decided that transgender students should be able to use the bathrooms based on the gender with which they identify. The Trump administration decided they can't. 

The Justice and Education departments said the Obama administration documents do not "contain extensive legal analysis or explain how the position is consistent with the express language of Title IX, nor did they undergo any formal public process. This interpretation has given rise to significant litigation regarding school restrooms and locker rooms."

Seriously though. I can't with this anymore. There are starving people all over the country. There are overcrowded jails with no funds to support or house the inmates residing in them. There has been 270 school shootings (attempted and carried out) since Columbine. Russia interfered with an United States election and there has basically been no repercussions. On average, there are 121 suicides per day. As of April 2016, there were a recorded 564,708 homeless people living in the United States. 

But the government is worried about where people want to pee. 

Their rationale for reversing guidance laid down by the Obama administration is that the federal government deciding where people get to pee takes away the State's right to decide where people get to pee. 

This is an attack on the safety and well-being of teen transgender students. We need to provide them with a safe learning environment where they can thrive without worry of prosecution or judgment. Instead, we are forcing a transitioning transgender male to female to use the boy's bathroom. We are forcing a transitioning transgender female to male student to use the girl's bathroom.

Instead of worrying about what they are learning, how well they are learning, and what they can do with their learning - we are worried about where they want to pee. 

We can't lose hope. We can't let the transgender community, especially teen transgender students feel alone. We can't let them feel unimportant. We can't let them take this loss without a fight. 

We will persist. We will fight for transgender rights. 

We will demand acceptance and tolerance, not let hate or fear drive us backward. 


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