Super Bowl Commercials: The Big Winners

My prediction from my previous post indicated that Budweiser would win the night with their commercial featuring their company founder's journey to America from Germany. I was right in my prediction, and also so wrong.

Budweiser made a bold political statement with this pro-immigration commercial. As a consumer, I am thrilled with their stance and message. The commercial titled "Born The Hard Way"  detailed the journey of the company's founder and his triumph as an immigrant in America.

A few other companies also dominated the screen with their powerful messages during Super Bowl LI. 

Airbnb made it clear what makes America great for them in saying “We believe no matter who you are, where you’re from, who you love, or who you worship, we all belong. The world is more beautiful the more you accept.” These words rang like bells during the 30 second spot. Watch the commercial here.

Surprisingly enough, T-Mobile was fairly impressive in their comedic display of touchdown celebrations during their 30 second spot. The best thing about this commercial? It features a little girl celebrating her moves after spiking the ball. The inclusion of a girl in a male dominated practice was a breath of fresh air from Bieber narrating the duration of the commercial. Watch the commercial here.

The biggest winner of the night (in my humble opinion) was Audi. This was a bold statement by the company advocating for equal pay. This moving commercial was narrated by a father watching his daughter cart race - asking himself how he could ever tell her the world doesn't value women as much as men. The father sounds helpless and hopeless, as he can't contemplate explaining to his daughter that her worth will be determined by her gender. The campaign caters to the hashtag #DriveProgress. Watch the commercial here.

And last, but not least.

Coca-Cola re-released their "America, the Beautiful" commercial. This commercial originally aired in 2014. It features America the Beautiful sung in multiple languages accompanied by many different faces that make America so diverse. People from different backgrounds and cultures. The company released a statement backing their commercial saying "We believe that America is beautiful and Coca-Cola is for everyone. Let's celebrate the moments among all Americans that promote optimism, inclusion, and humanity — values that bring us closer together." Watch the commercial here.

These commercials celebrated diversity and inclusion in a beautiful 30 second display. $5,000,000 for a 30 commercial slot during Super Bowl LI: money well spent by the five companies listed above.


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