Introduction - Here we go, ladies and gents.

As cliche' as a college female with a blog is, we're doing this. My name is Jordan and I'm a senior at the University of Central Oklahoma. This blog is primarily for a class with Dr. Clark called Blogging for Journalists, but the content won't be quite as fluffy as the usual prompts for writing in a college classroom. This blog will dive into the complete lack of diversity in the media. I'm talking everything from sitcoms, to news anchors, to Disney princesses. I am going to examine different areas of the media that are lacking in diversity and suggest different ways to improve going forward.

Representation in the media is imperative for minority groups. Please don't be confused when I say minority groups - since minority groups are basically every group that is not limited to straight white men. Minority groups I will be discussing involve, but are not limited to the LGBTQIA community, the disabled, women, African Americans, Latinos, the elderly, the plus size community, and so on and so forth. If it takes you more than 10 seconds to think of a popular character that belongs to one of the groups I mentioned above, that's a problem. If you think representation in the media is immaterial for minority groups, you're the problem.

Everyone deserves to turn on the television and see a version of themselves as the star of the show. Everyone deserves to turn on the radio and hear a song written about them. Everyone deserves representation in the media.


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