Family Guy: Even the Dog is White

Seth MacFarlane is funny to some and an asshole to others. He is the creator of Family Guy. If you don't know, Family Guy is a comedic animated show that airs on FOX and Adult Swim. Family Guy follows the lives of the Griffins - Stewie, Meg, Chris, Lois, Peter and Brian. This kind of show is mindless. The humor is immature. IMDB describes the show as "sick, twisted, and politically incorrect." Besides the immature humor and repeated jokes throughout the series, the show has one other crucial flaw. A majority of the characters are white. 

The Griffin family falls into the white middle class demographic. They live in the suburbs of their New England town surrounded by neighbors - who are also predominantly white. 

The show has two main characters that are not white. 

Pictured above are Tricia Takanawa and Cleveland Brown. Tricia works as a news anchor and is often used as the punchline for stereotypical Asian jokes. Cleveland portrays one of Peter's best friends and his neighbor. Cleveland's character received his own spin-off, but was cancelled due to lack of ratings (and the show just being recycled Family Guy humor anyway). Cleveland is often used as the punchline for stereotypical African American jokes - he is made fun for his job status (or lack there of), for his wife cheating on him and leaving, for his family, and for his colloquialisms relating to upbringing in Virginia. He is also portrayed to frequently lose his temper and resort to violence. For being one of the only (reoccurring) African American characters on the show - his portrayal is unacceptable. 

I don't understand why Seth limits this show to predominantly white characters. All of his neighbors (sans Cleveland) are white - including the neighborhood child molester, John Herbert. Even his boss is white, Angela is portrayed as the typical female-boss hard-ass (don't even get me started on how they portray their female counterparts). 

Speaking of female counterparts... 

Just the portrayal of Lois alone is enough for me to stop watching this show. Lois is Peter's wife. She is a housewife that has been portrayed as everything from a former porn star to a phone-sex operator. She is also portrayed as the hot wife that all the neighbors drool over. 

Not only is Family Guy's depiction of one of their only reoccurring African American characters appalling, their depiction of women, the disabled, the LGBTQIA community are equally atrocious. 

Seth needs to be reminded that animators can take a break from the two or three colored pencils they use to create the Griffin's shade of white. Each ethnicity should be represented - without representing them as their negative stereotype. 


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